Perfection Pie

This is the pumpkin pie I made for Friendsgiving this year. 

As I was placing the decorative letters, I knew I was in trouble when I got to the “N.” The overlapping “S” on the right pumpkin, and the spacing between the “F” and the left pumpkin nearly drove me to toss the pie in the trash and start over.

When I lifted the soft cutouts to fix the decorations, they were already melting into the hot surface of the pie. The pie skin broke. The cutout ripped and mushed. Each of my attempts to make the pie perfect only broke down the structure of the very thing I wanted to perfect.

As I stressed and fretted and judged myself for my imperfect pie, I had a moment of clarity. And thankfully, I could laugh at the irony of the metaphor this pie was for my struggle with perfectionism.

The more I try to be perfect, and the more I try to make my output perfect (whether it's creative work, professional work, culinary experiments, etc.), the more wear and tear I place on myself and the further from “perfect” I get.

Around the same time as Friendsgiving, I was preparing to go to a writing workshop in early December. My perfectionism was in overdrive. I wanted to impress my mentors and bring pages that were perfect, but recent feedback indicated they needed work. Trouble was, I didn't know how to fix the pages, and the story likely needed a full rewrite.

I panicked.

But I didn't keep my panic to myself. I shared my dilemma with my writer friends; how could I bring pages that were anything but perfect to a workshop where I wanted to impress?

I wasn’t prepared for what they told me.

To paraphrase: Don't rewrite anything. Bring the story as it is because your best is enough. The purpose of the workshop isn’t to have perfect pages. The purpose is to learn from others and revise. Nothing more, nothing less.

My best is enough.

What a concept!

Logically, what my friends were saying about the purpose of the workshop made sense. So, I challenged myself to adopt this mantra, even if I didn't fully believe my “best” was enough. I brought my pages as they were, and after the first two critique sessions (out of four), I decided to give on-the-fly revision a try. Like clockwork, I hated everything I wrote. My pages read like a Frankenstein of all the feedback swirling in my brain. 

I panicked.

I was afraid that if I brought my revision attempt to the third critique session, my mentor and peers would see I wasn't good enough. I was afraid they would think my story premise was great, but I wasn't good enough to write it. As I debated bringing my revision to the group, I thought back to the mantra.

My best is enough.

I did the scary thing and brought the revised pages. And again, as the feedback I received from that session swirled in my head that night, I was convinced my next revision attempt would surely prove to my final critique group that I was a fraud. My revised pages were more Frankensteined than before! I wasn't even sure they were coherent! As before, I debated bringing my revision to the group, and thought back to the mantra.

My best is enough.

But this time, I didn't think about the mantra in relation to my pages. I thought about it in relation to myself. Who did I want the critique group to see? How did I want to show up? I wanted my final critique group to see someone willing to put in the hard work. I wanted them to see someone who wasn't afraid to try a revision, even if it didn't work out. I wanted them to see someone who cared, just like I wanted to show my friends that I cared through my Friendsgiving pumpkin pie. I wanted to show that I’m someone who puts her heart into her stories and characters and every word, even if the words on the page or the pie aren’t perfect.

Because I am enough. I was enough starting from the moment I came screaming into this world. And if I'm enough, then my best is enough, too.

The kicker to all of this is that perfection is limiting. We like to think that if we can achieve perfection, then the world is our oyster. But if we don’t take the risk, or do the thing we want to do until we, or our output, is perfect, then we’ll never actually do the thing we want, or go after the dreams we have. Why? Because perfection doesn’t exist. And if we spend time chasing something that doesn’t exist, what we’re really doing is limiting ourselves from opportunities and growth.

Another culinary adventure - reindeer truffles! None quite turned out the way I imagined, making it a great way to challenge myself to adopt the concept of “my best is enough.”

If I only allowed myself to bring a perfect pie to Friendsgiving, I wouldn’t have brought any pie. If I only allowed myself to bring perfect pages to the workshop, I wouldn’t have brought any pages. I would have missed out on sharing a beloved family recipe with my friends, and I would have missed out on an opportunity to strengthen a story that’s so dear to my heart.

Chasing perfection is limiting (and it doesn’t exist).

I almost ended this post with the results. Did my friends like the pie? Did the final critique group like my revised pages? But I realized my results-oriented mindset and my perfectionism fuel each other. If I ended this post with how things turned out, I would only be feeding the beast I’m looking to soothe.

Instead, I’ll say that my pie and my pages were the best I could do at the time, and that next time, my best will look a little different. Because the beauty is, “my best” will evolve. It will improve. From each opportunity “my best” gets, it will learn and gain confidence. 

And, best of all, so will I.

Letting Go to Move Forward

One of the most prevalent pieces of advice shared with budding writers is, "don't quit your day job."

When I started taking my writing dreams seriously three years ago, I cemented this advice as a hard rule I would never abandon. I would keep my day job, and maybe leave it behind in 5-10 years, should I be fortunate to have a prolific and profitable writing career at that point.

But the thing about advice is that most of it is not one size fits all, and over the past year and a half, the pull between my heart/passion (writing) and my day job was creating more and more unhappiness and tension in my soul (and life).

So, I recently did the thing you're not supposed to do: I quit my day job.


Putting it matter of factly like that makes it sound easier than it was. In reality, this was a hard decision, one I'd been weighing for years. My job allowed for me and my husband to have a comfortable lifestyle. I had a team of colleagues that I loved and enjoyed working with. I was good at my job and my success was rewarded. I had an established internal brand, with a 13 year career at one of the most admired tech companies in the world. 

How could I leave that for the maybe chance that I could sell a book? How could I leave that behind for what would be years of little to no income from my writing?

The answer was, I couldn't afford NOT to leave it behind. Not in the financial sense, but in relation to the expense taken on my mind, soul, and body. The tension between where my heart was calling me, a writing career, and where I was spending the majority of my time and mental energy, became too much. The longer I kept myself in that tug of war, the more my mental and physical health declined.

I knew what I had to do, but before I could commit to (and importantly, accept) my decision to leave, I first had to let go.

  • I had to let go of a situation that didn't serve me anymore

  • I had to let go of what I thought my career should be

  • I had to let go of who I thought I was supposed to be

  • I had to let go of needing validation from others 

  • I had to let go of striving for society's definition of success

  • I had to let go of the fear of failure

  • I had to let go of my plans

I had to let go so I could move forward.

I recognize the immense privilege I have to be able to leave my job to pursue writing full time. I also recognize the hard work I've put in to take this time for me and my dreams. I recognize the support I have from my husband to make this happen. I am fortunate, grateful, and blessed.

Celebrating after my last day of work. As one of my favorite Star Trek crews would say, here’s to the journey. Cheers!

Celebrating after my last day of work. As one of my favorite Star Trek crews would say, here’s to the journey. Cheers!

And while the overall tone of this post is reflective and a bit somber, I can assure anyone reading this that amidst the anxiety and fear, there is unbridled enthusiasm for what's ahead. Celebrating the end of one chapter and the start of another with my family and friends has brought nothing but joy, smiles, and a few happy/sad tears. Writing this post, exclaiming to the world that I am unapologetically going after my dreams, makes me feel proud. It makes me feel energized and empowered to put in the work to make my dreams come true.

Taking a cue from nature, the timing of this transition is poetic. Autumn is often called the season of letting go because this is the time when trees lose their leaves. But what many don't know is trees proactively lose their leaves (think, "cut" them off) in order to ensure their survival through winter. Come spring, trees grow new leaves to feed and nourish them, and the cycle continues. 

Like the trees, I’m proactively letting go, so I can move forward and give myself the opportunity to grow. Many thanks to everyone who has helped make this possible. I appreciate your love, support, and encouragement. <3